
SPD Tiefenbach/Ast

Maifest in Tiefenbach


Maibaumaufstellen in Tiefenbach

Wie jedes Jahr fand auch das traditionelle Maibaumaufstellen in Tiefenbach statt.

Wie immer war auch die SPD mit von der Partie. So konnten bei gutem Wetter die Bürgerinnen und Bürger dieses schönen Dorfes in einer tollen Gemeinschaft ausgelassen den etwas verspäteten Frühlingsbeginn feiern. Auch die kühlen Getränke und die Schmankerl' genossen die zahlreichen Gäste, die dann die Aufstellung des Maibaumes bestaunten. Hier dankt die SPD der Orga für das gelungene Fest und freut sich schon auf die Feierlichkeiten im nächsten Jahr.



Zu Artikeln, die älter als 1 Tage sind, können keine Kommentare hinzugefügt werden.


YouTube carries not just humorous and humorous videos but also it contains educational related video clips.

Autor: isabel marant basket, Datum: 19.07.2013, 12:31 Uhr


I do like training our staff from EVS or outdise and having them advance themselves through certification. We've hired certified O.R. techs but they still needed to be trained and to study and pass SPD certification. O.R. techs are not trained SPD staff and can't just jump in and do well. They have some basics but not enough to do the job, especially if they are right out of school. The big thing is they never stay, they do go to the O.R. ASAP. I do understand, but it hurts us. We're already seeing a shortage of certified SPD to be hired. I like training and keeping the best, and maybe someday they'll decide to go on to school, good for them. O.R. techs already have their schooling and their path to the O.R. planned and in motion. It's just on hold waiting to get there.

Autor: Sonali, Datum: 29.05.2013, 20:25 Uhr


Hey Arune,I found your site a few weeks ago after reading the CBR itnvreiew with Chuck Austen. I just wanted to let ya know that you're no alone in the grown man loving Power Rangers department. I've been watching it since Day of the Dumpster in '93, and here I am 13 yrs/incarnations later, still checking in to see what the Rangers are up to. Every now and then, I've got a ranger rant/update on my site, so feel free to hop on over. Also, I've gotta say that SPD, training video and all, was the best incarnation of PR in recent years. It's a shame that even the return of Tommy couldn't save Dino Thunder. Anyway, I've rambled enough! =)

Autor: Tomo, Datum: 29.05.2013, 19:57 Uhr


gi624March 5, 2013Episode 5 reminds me of Napoleon Dynomite, the crazy girl in The Breakfast Club, and the bytasitber in Jerry Maguire. I'm not sayin it's a total ripoff, just that it reminds me of them. They were all cracked sidewalks I guess?

Autor: Renan, Datum: 29.05.2013, 19:51 Uhr


gi624March 5, 2013I think the chubby guy from Back To You was palorbby the most interesting character on that show and I'll watch that show that starts with a G, but there's been way too much whining on this message board about some people's lost love and don't you think you guys should get over it there are more fish in the sea? Can we all partner and agree to stop the excessive G talk?

Autor: Phavit, Datum: 28.05.2013, 07:37 Uhr


siggybossMarch 5, 2013This documentary does not focus on the coitrnbution of HFT to the flash crash of past year . This documentary asserts a theory that HFT caused the Flash Crash and offers no other possible explanation. I offered proof of other possible explanations with historical objective facts (i.e. Black Monday). You don't like those facts because it conflicts with the documentary's theory, which you appear emotionally attached to. In desperation, you have now resorted to ad hominem attacks (i.e. weasel).

Autor: Nafa, Datum: 28.05.2013, 07:21 Uhr


siggybossMarch 5, 2013On Black Monday, October 19, 1987, the stockmarket drpoped at the largest daily percentage loss in DOW Index history (−22.61%), without any fast trading computers or even mobile phones. The Flash Crash (2008-10-15) was a far lower −7.87% drop in the DOW. Also, computers (i.e. machines) are only following the orders of people (e.g. quants). In gist, the Flash Crash is a characteristic of any human exchange regardless of speed. There was no Black Box to blame on Black Monday, which was far worse.

Autor: Tetsuya, Datum: 28.05.2013, 07:18 Uhr




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